Pelkkä Väliviiva LP out on July 16th

The 3rd LP by Pelkkä Väliviiva is an intimate trip into the mind of Ville Vuorenmaa, singer/guitarist of Sur-Rur. Poetic stories about life around him demand some concentration from the listener but are worth it. Check out “Kävelen sunnuntaina ulkona” here. Pre-order now – out on July 16th. Split release w/ Joteskii Groteskii.

New albums by Seksihullut and Taste – out on Oct 23rd

Hope everyone’s doing well in the middle of all this madness..! Got heaps of stuff coming out this year even no-one’s playing shows these days. TASTE is a super group from Helsinki with members from tons of other bands, but unlike their punk/hc/indie projects Taste is an explosion of 80’s/90’s noiserock. Dig Brainbombs, Flipper or maybe Scratch Acid? You’ll dig TASTE. Check out “Stay-At-Home Loser”. Order from our webstore. OUT ON OCT 23rd.

“Vain unessa kärsimys loppuu” is the 4th and the most versatile album by Finland’s finest SEKSIHULLUT. Jyrki Nissinen’s absurd lyrics about everyday observations mixed with Sirpa’s awesome deep voice, three-chord punk rock, psychedelia and pop sensitivity. Check out the single “Hei paska.” Cd and tape out on If Society, vinyl out on Joteskii Groteskii. Order all formats from our webstore. OUT ON OCT 23rd.

Silver Falcons – s/t LP out on June 12th

Silver Falcons are a rather new four-piece from Helsinki with sounds reminding us from our fave late 80s/early 90s Sonic Youth, Pavement, Polvo and Unwound albums – warm and screeching fuzz guitars, some mathy noiserock beats and thunder-like walls of feedback. 180g vinyl out on June 12th w/ download. Check out the single “Zagreb 89” here and pre-order the album in our shop.

New RADIOPUHELIMET album out in February 2020.

Check out the first taster off the 15th Radiopuhelimet album, “Kosminen tiedottomuus” due out on February 14th 2020:
“Jeesus Kristus ja ateisti”

Pre-order is up on our webstore.


Been so busy this past first half of 2019 with releases, gigs, tours and booking stuff that here’s a late catch-up and what’s coming next.

Out in spring 2019:
J. A. Mäki & AAVAA CD and tape.

FUN : Death Star LP.

Coming up next: new album by Radiopuhelimet in late 2019/early 2020.

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Everyone asking If Society to release your new album: we pretty much know what’s going to happen over the next 6-12 months so there’s very little chance that you’d be on the list, sorry. You can do-it-yourself.

New Hero Dishonest album out now

Long time, no update. This year’s going to be a busy one. We’ll start the year with Hero Dishonest’s 8th album, out on lp/cd/tape. Order from shop and check out a video here.

Seksihullut : Vänrikki Stoolin seksihullut tarinat CD

Seksihullut CDHey, the new Seksihullut CD is out now, order from our webstore. Check out a video here.

Sekret Teknik – Radikal Software LP out on March 16th

Hey! It’s time for 2018’s first release and…. new website, finally! Sekret Teknik‘s 3rd album “Radikal Software” comes out on March 16th and we celebrate it with our new website and webstore. Check out Sekret Teknik’s new video here. You can preorder the album already now and have it shipped on March 16th.